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Immunization program

Protect yourself and your family with the comprehensive immunization program
Immunization program

We offer you an immunization program that includes all types of necessary vaccines to ensure that you and your family are immunized against diseases. With our specialized medical team, we provide you with customized solutions for children and adults that include all types of necessary vaccines to ensure a healthy and safe life.
Program Benefits

Approved and safe vaccines
We only use vaccines approved by global health authorities to ensure your safety.
Immunization schedule customized for each individual
We respect your individual needs and create an immunization schedule tailored to your health condition.
Continuous medical supervision
Our medical team accompanies you every step of the way to ensure that the immunization program is implemented efficiently and safely.
Regular follow-up and dose reminders
No need to worry about forgetting your doses, as we provide you with a reminder and continuous follow-up service.
Special services
No need to worry about forgetting your doses, as we provide you with a reminder and continuous follow-up service.
Protect your family with a comprehensive immunization program that provides safe vaccines under specialized medical supervision and a customized immunization schedule. Join now to ensure the health and safety of your loved ones.
Services and sub-programs

Child Vaccination
We ensure that your children receive all essential vaccinations from birth according to the latest medical recommendations.
Adult Vaccination
Because prevention does not stop at childhood, we offer you a complete range of essential vaccines for adults.
Services and Programs Seasonal Vaccination
Stay healthy in every season with seasonal vaccines such as the flu vaccine and others.
Taking care of your family's health for 40 years
Steps to book a home visit

Get the healthcare you need without leaving your home. With our home services, we provide you with personalized medical care at a time that suits you best. Simply schedule an appointment with us and we will arrange everything for you. Let us take care of your health while you enjoy the comfort of your home.
For reservations and phone inquiries